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"Once upon a Spotlight"

This story opens with a poem by the narrator, Rachel Prize.




Short Story Preview

"An Empty Stage"​


Do you see this empty stage?

What does it make you do?


This abandoned stage,

the one with broken boards and covered up with cobwebs.

With a ripped, red, dusty curtain but still holding up.


What do you feel when you first touch the curtain cold and dirty?


Can you pull the curtain and tell me what you see?

Do you see the shadow of a circle in the middle of center stage?


Can you stand in the circle and tell me what does it make you feel?

When you first step in it, feels good right?

Now imagine yourself in front of thousands of people,

staring at you,

watching you,

expecting you to do something,

a song or an act,

because where you are standing is not just a circle.


That circle, where you are standing is the reason to begin the story,

because all we need is




Chapter 1:


In the background of a public school's first play, "Looking Past the Looking Glass," on opening night, people are being escorted to their seats by ushers, who are handing out programs when they walk into the auditorium. 


Seems likes a typical play...isn't it?


Everyone takes their seats and waits before the lights begin to dim. The curtain rises, and there are a few announcements before the play starts.


Some of the ushers come on stage and some are spread out across the auditorium. Some ushers come into the middle of the aisles as announcements begin.


The first usher says, "Please remain in your seats at all times. Please turn off any cell phones and digital devices."


The rest of the ushers begin to act like flight attendants.


The first usher continues, "If you must leave your seats during the performance, please be careful, and utilize the time marshals to return to your seat between scenes. We will be having a 15 minute intermission. Concessions and refreshments are available in the lobby. No food or beverages in the time machine please. Thank you."


Eventually, it become apparent that the public school auditorium has become a time traveling device.


The play has begun and a screen pulls down on the stage, counting down from the year 2017 and stops at 1973. The screen pulls up as the pit starts to play "The Final Countdown."



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